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From Laggy to Lightning Fast: How Fixing Technical Debt Boosts Your Bottom Line

Just like financial debt, technical debt can cripple your ability to develop and deliver high-quality products. At Wishtree Technologies, we understand the critical role clear, well-maintained code plays in propelling your digital product success. How Unattended technical debt silently erodes your edge Disruptions and Downtime: Outdated or poorly written code is prone to failures. Also, […]

Turning the Tide : Wishtree Empowers CEOs Take on the Dangers of Technical Debt

In the digital age, speed is king. Nowadays, businesses race to innovate, deploy features, and stay ahead of the curve. But in this relentless pursuit, a hidden danger lurks: technical debt. At Wishtree Technologies, we understand the importance of agility. However, we also recognize the long-term consequences of neglecting technical debt. The Many Faces of […]

Don’t Let Technical Debt Slow You Down. Wishtree Has Your Back

At Wishtree Technologies, we’re passionate about building innovative digital products. But keeping our codebase healthy and efficient is crucial for sustained success. Here’s why the term “technical debt” can be misleading, and how we can have more productive conversations about long-term code maintainability. The Problem with “Tech Debt” “Tech debt” is a common term, but […]

How To Build World Class Products? The Digital Product Engineering Blueprint

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the success of any product hinges on the strength of its engineering framework. However, at Wishtree Technologies, we understand the critical importance of laying a solid foundation for product development. In this blog, we’ll delve into the essential components and strategies for building a solid product engineering framework. Building […]

Is Your Digital Product Stuck? The Wishtree Engineer’s Way

This blog post discusses challenges in product engineering and how to overcome them. Common challenges include scope creep, resource constraints, technical complexity, quality assurance, legacy systems, and more. The author suggests strategies such as establishing clear requirements, prioritizing tasks, using robust architectures, and adopting agile methodologies.

Angular vs React: Choosing the Right Framework – Let’s Compare!

In the ever-evolving realm of front-end development, JavaScript has evolved from its humble origins to become the cornerstone of interactive and dynamic web applications. As the demand for richer and more responsive user interfaces surged, frameworks like Angular vs React emerged as indispensable tools for developers. Developed by tech giants Google and Facebook, respectively, Angular […]

GraphQL vs. REST API : Best API design for mobile app

GraphQL vs. REST: In the intricate landscape of API design, two strong contenders have emerged, each offering a unique approach to data exchange on the internet. As businesses grapple with choosing the right framework for their applications, a comprehensive understanding of each framework’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial. In this exploration, we delve into the […]

10 Best Practices to Ensure Success of Your Custom Software Development

This article discusses best practices for custom software development projects. Here are the key points: Planning and Documentation: Clearly define project goals and document every stage of development for better clarity and easier troubleshooting. Team Selection: Choose a qualified development company with a good reputation, experienced developers, and a focus on security. Budgeting: Decide on the essential features for your software and prioritize them to optimize your budget. Technology Stack: Select the right programming languages, frameworks, and tools based on your project's needs and target platforms (web, mobile, etc.). Development Methodology: Choose an appropriate development methodology like Agile or Waterfall based on your project's requirements. Agile is better for iterative development with frequent testing and feedback loops. Goal Setting and Milestones: Set realistic goals and achievable milestones throughout the development process, considering factors like time and budget. Testing and QA: Conduct thorough testing by qualified professionals to identify and fix bugs before deployment. Communication: Maintain clear and consistent communication among all stakeholders throughout the project.

Why are Custom Software Products preferred over SaaS Solutions?

This blog post argues that custom software product development is a better choice for businesses than SaaS solutions. Custom software is tailored to your specific needs and can integrate with your existing infrastructure, while SaaS solutions are one-size-fits-all and can be expensive in the long run. With custom software, you also have complete control over your data and can gain a competitive advantage by offering a unique user experience. Additionally, you can profit from your custom software by licensing or selling it to other companies.