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Is Your Digital Product Stuck? The Wishtree Engineer’s Way

This blog post discusses challenges in product engineering and how to overcome them. Common challenges include scope creep, resource constraints, technical complexity, quality assurance, legacy systems, and more. The author suggests strategies such as establishing clear requirements, prioritizing tasks, using robust architectures, and adopting agile methodologies.

Cloud Migration Strategy for Mid-sized Enterprises: A Comprehensive Guide

The cloud has become the cornerstone of digital transformation for businesses worldwide. According to Gartner, over 95 per cent of businesses are projected to implement their digital strategies on cloud-native platforms by 2025. Before businesses can harness the benefits of cloud migration, such as cost savings, flexible access, and infinite scalability, they must first navigate a […]

UI UX In 2024: Know Better, Do Better

As we approach 2024, it is essential to understand the changes and advancements that will shape the UI/UX landscape. This blog provides a detailed analysis of the key factors to consider when taking UI/UX in 2024, including –  Changes in practices  Interface evolution Tools and software Custom Canvas vs. Theme-based Designs AI in UI/UX Design […]

Angular vs React: Choosing the Right Framework – Let’s Compare!

In the ever-evolving realm of front-end development, JavaScript has evolved from its humble origins to become the cornerstone of interactive and dynamic web applications. As the demand for richer and more responsive user interfaces surged, frameworks like Angular vs React emerged as indispensable tools for developers. Developed by tech giants Google and Facebook, respectively, Angular […]

GraphQL vs. REST API : Best API design for mobile app

GraphQL vs. REST: In the intricate landscape of API design, two strong contenders have emerged, each offering a unique approach to data exchange on the internet. As businesses grapple with choosing the right framework for their applications, a comprehensive understanding of each framework’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial. In this exploration, we delve into the […]

Unleashing the Power of Insurtech: Key Applications Transforming the Insurance Landscape

Insurtech, the integration of insurance and technology, is transforming the insurance industry. Here are some key Insurtech applications: Telematics and Usage-Based Insurance (UBI): Insurers use data from telematics devices to create personalized insurance premiums based on driving behavior. Blockchain: Blockchain technology improves security and transparency in the insurance industry by providing a secure and tamper-proof record of transactions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Underwriting: AI helps insurers assess risk factors more accurately and efficiently, leading to better underwriting decisions. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants for Customer Service: Insurtech applications provide 24/7 customer support through chatbots and virtual assistants. Data Analytics for Personalized Policies: Insurers use data analytics to create personalized insurance policies that meet the specific needs of individual customers. Parametric Insurance for Rapid Payouts: Parametric insurance offers quick and automatic payouts based on predefined parameters, such as weather conditions.

10 Best Practices to Ensure Success of Your Custom Software Development

This article discusses best practices for custom software development projects. Here are the key points: Planning and Documentation: Clearly define project goals and document every stage of development for better clarity and easier troubleshooting. Team Selection: Choose a qualified development company with a good reputation, experienced developers, and a focus on security. Budgeting: Decide on the essential features for your software and prioritize them to optimize your budget. Technology Stack: Select the right programming languages, frameworks, and tools based on your project's needs and target platforms (web, mobile, etc.). Development Methodology: Choose an appropriate development methodology like Agile or Waterfall based on your project's requirements. Agile is better for iterative development with frequent testing and feedback loops. Goal Setting and Milestones: Set realistic goals and achievable milestones throughout the development process, considering factors like time and budget. Testing and QA: Conduct thorough testing by qualified professionals to identify and fix bugs before deployment. Communication: Maintain clear and consistent communication among all stakeholders throughout the project.

Why are Custom Software Products preferred over SaaS Solutions?

This blog post argues that custom software product development is a better choice for businesses than SaaS solutions. Custom software is tailored to your specific needs and can integrate with your existing infrastructure, while SaaS solutions are one-size-fits-all and can be expensive in the long run. With custom software, you also have complete control over your data and can gain a competitive advantage by offering a unique user experience. Additionally, you can profit from your custom software by licensing or selling it to other companies.

A Beginner’s Guide to Dot Net Programming and its Rising Popularity

Dot Net Framework is a Microsoft-developed framework for building robust, secure, and performance-driven windows and web applications. It has been around since 2002 and offers a clear separation of concerns for different tiers of the application architecture. In recent times, there has been a surge in demand for Dot Net projects and developers. This is due to several factors, including: Cross-platform support: Dot Net Core, a newer version of the framework, allows developers to build web applications that can be hosted on Windows, Linux, or Mac. Flexible and inexpensive hosting alternatives: Dot Net applications can be deployed on a variety of platforms without requiring expensive licenses. Large and supportive community: There are millions of Dot Net developers around the world who share their knowledge and experience online. Programming elegance: Dot Net offers features like multi-language support, automatic memory management, and built-in dependency injection, which make it a joy to work with. Open source: Dot Net Core is open source, which means that it is constantly being improved by the community. The future of Dot Net programming looks bright. Microsoft is committed to keeping the framework up-to-date with the latest trends, and Visual Studio 2022 provides developers with the tools they need to build modern, scalable applications.