Wishtree Technologies

Is Your Digital Product Struggling with Performance? 15 Signs You Need digital product Engineering Expertise

15 Warning Signs Your Product Needs Engineering Expertise

Last Updated October 15, 2024

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You’ve poured your heart and soul into your digital product. It’s your baby, your brainchild. But is it thriving or silently struggling? There are often subtle signs that indicate your digital product needs a helping hand from digital product engineering experts.

Let’s dive into the common red flags that might be waving at you.

Business signs you need digital product engineering expertise

While technical challenges can significantly hinder digital product development, the business implications of these issues are often the most critical. Understanding the business signs that indicate a need for digital product engineering expertise is crucial for long-term success.

Stagnant growth or declining market share

If your digital product’s growth has plateaued or declined, it might be due to poor user experience, outdated technology, or a lack of innovation. Digital product engineering experts can revitalize your product by:

  • Suggesting improvements to optimize accessibility, aesthetics, simplicity, and speed.
  • Identifying strategies to position your digital product and brand ahead of competitors.

Increasing customer complaints and support costs

A surge in customer complaints or rising support costs often indicates underlying digital product issues.

These problems could stem from poor usability, frequent bugs, or compatibility problems. digital product engineering experts can help identify and address these issues, improving customer satisfaction and reducing support costs.

There could be ample reasons leading to increased customer support requests. A great way to address this could be to validate the Tech Architecture, whether it’s resilient enough to scale an additional user base, perform automation and manual QA, and ensure that it functions flawlessly, is compatible with modern devices and browsers, and is secure with the best quality of code.

Secondly, addressing support tickets and systematically reducing them is a burden. Implementing best practices at all L1, L2, and L3 levels can help in better managing and attending to the requests cost-effectively.

An efficient way is to outsource L3 to an expert digital product engineering company like Wishtree. The cost reduction, speedy bug fixing, and deployment of new updates can tremendously reduce the graph of reported support requests.

Missed revenue targets and low profit margins

Consistent failure to meet revenue targets or low profit margins may signal digital product-related problems. digital product engineering expertise can help optimize digital product performance, reduce development costs, and increase revenue generation.

Digital products are badly bashed by outdated and poor customer experience, resulting in unexpected business setbacks, including severe bottom-line impact.

It’s important to have resilient systems that can be scalable, updated quickly, and serve a wide audience with optimized performance. To sustain in a competitive market, this is a must and not a choice.  

Wishtree, as a dedicated technology development partner, is not just capable of managing and innovating, but also of culturally aligning with your business.

Their technical expertise can significantly impact your revenue targets. This allows you to focus on your core business and its expansion, while Wishtree takes complete accountability for technology management.

Difficulty in scaling the business

As your business grows, you may encounter challenges in scaling your digital product to meet increased demand. This could be due to performance issues, scalability limitations, or inadequate infrastructure. digital product engineering experts can help design and implement scalable solutions to support your business growth.

Inability to innovate and stay ahead of competitors

A stagnant digital product offering can lead to a loss of market share to competitors. digital product engineering expertise is essential for developing innovative features, improving digital product performance, and staying ahead of the competition.

High employee turnover in the engineering team

A high turnover rate in your engineering team can indicate various problems, such as challenging work environment, lack of growth opportunities, or outdated technology. Digital product engineering experts can help create a positive work culture, implement efficient development processes, and provide opportunities for professional growth.

Inefficient digital product development process

If your digital product development process is slow, costly, and prone to errors, it’s time to seek expert help. Digital product engineering experts can streamline your development process, improve collaboration, and reduce time-to-market.

Technical signs your digital product needs help

Tech Stack Selection Challenge

Choosing the right technology stack is crucial for a digital product’s success. Key indicators of a problematic tech stack include:

  • Performance bottlenecks: Slow loading times, frequent crashes, or laggy responsiveness can be attributed to suboptimal technology choices.
  • Scalability limitations: If your digital product struggles to handle increased user loads or new features, your tech stack might be hindering growth.
  • Maintenance headaches: Outdated or poorly integrated technologies can lead to frequent issues and high maintenance costs.

Struggling with UI/UX aesthetics and usability

A digital product’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are critical for user satisfaction and adoption. Signs of UI/UX issues include:

  • Low user engagement: Users quickly abandon your digital product or app.
  • High bounce rates: Visitors leave your website without exploring further.
  • Negative user feedback: Users complain about the digital product’s look, feel, or usability.
  • Difficulty completing tasks: Users struggle to achieve their goals within the digital product.

MVP development challenges

Developing a minimum viable digital product (MVP) is essential for testing market fit. Challenges in this phase include:

  • Feature bloat: Including too many features can delay launch and divert resources.
  • Lack of focus: Not identifying the core value proposition can lead to a digital product without a clear purpose.
  • Technical hurdles: Unforeseen technical challenges can hinder MVP development.
  • Time-to-market delays: Missing deadlines can impact digital product launch and market entry.

Challenges and solutions to Digital Engineering

Having trouble crafting a scalable architecture

A scalable architecture is essential for handling growth. Signs of scalability issues include:

  • Performance degradation: Slow response times under increased load.
  • Frequent system crashes: The digital product can’t handle increased traffic.
  • Database bottlenecks: The database struggles to keep up with data growth.
  • Infrastructure limitations: Existing infrastructure can’t support expansion.

Challenges in building a cyber-resilient digital product

Security is paramount in today’s digital world. Indicators of security vulnerabilities include:

  • Cyberattacks: Your digital product is targeted by hackers.
  • Non-compliance with regulations: Your digital product doesn’t meet industry standards.
  • Lack of security testing: Your digital product hasn’t undergone rigorous security assessments.

Using outdated technology and equipment

Technology evolves rapidly. Signs of outdated technology include:

  • Slow performance: The digital product is sluggish and unresponsive.
  • Frequent downtime: System failures and outages occur often.
  • Compatibility issues: Difficulty integrating with new systems or technologies.
  • Security risks: Outdated software and hardware are more vulnerable to attacks.

Digital product has high defects or failure rates

digital product quality is essential for customer satisfaction. Indicators of quality issues include:

  • High defect rate: Numerous bugs and errors are discovered.
  • Low customer satisfaction: Users complain about digital product performance or reliability.
  • High return rates: Customers are returning defective digital products.
  • Frequent digital product recalls: Serious issues are discovered after release.

Digital product lacks a modular design

A modular architecture improves flexibility and maintainability. Signs of a monolithic digital product include:

  • Difficulty making changes: Modifications impact the entire system.
  • Slow development cycles: New features take longer to implement.
  • Increased risk of failure: A single point of failure can bring down the entire digital product.

Struggling to adopt an agile methodology

Agile development promotes flexibility and adaptability. Challenges with agile adoption include:

  • Missed deadlines: Projects consistently fall behind schedule.
  • Low digital product quality: Deliverables don’t meet expectations.
  • Team dysfunction: Lack of collaboration and communication.
  • Resistance to change: Team members are reluctant to adopt agile practices.

Scale, enhance, launch: Your digital product’s success blueprint

Recognizing the signs that signal a need for digital product engineering expertise is crucial for the success of any tech enterprise. Delaying necessary interventions can lead to significant setbacks.

Wishtree is your strategic partner in navigating the complexities of digital product development. Our comprehensive digital product engineering services span the entire digital product lifecycle, from conceptualization to market launch. Our team of experts is dedicated to delivering:

  • Scalable digital products: Building digital products that can handle increasing user loads and business growth without compromising performance.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Accelerated Time-to-Market: Streamlining development processes to bring your digital product to market faster while maintaining quality.
  • Cost Optimization: Maximizing your ROI by efficiently managing development costs without compromising digital product quality.

Whether you’re facing technical challenges, struggling with digital product performance, or seeking to accelerate your time-to-market, Wishtree is your answer.

Wishtree is a product engineering services company with an unmatched reputation. Wishtree provides solutions to an array of clients, including Fortune 500 companies, Thoma BravoVista Equity Partners, UN Agencies (WHO, UNDPWorld Bank) Nonprofits, and Startups.

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and explore how our digital product engineering expertise can drive your business forward.

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